
A Journey Towards Renewal and Vitality

It is time to consider a new “way” for ministry that will help transform the culture of our communities here in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. 

Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski recently shared, “We’ve been using the wrong metrics to measure vibrancy.” Rather than considering hard facts and objective data to measure our “success,” it is time to introduce a new, synodal, mission-oriented approach that requires intentional accompaniment, not intensive programming. 

This is not a quick fix….it is a shift of mode that can take up to three to five years of discernment and implementation. 

Disciples make disciples.

We are looking to build the muscle for a relational mode of ministry that is rooted in listening and discernment. The goal is to help our parishes and ministries formulate a clear vision rooted in evangelization.

This process will motivate and encourage creativity in identifying a unique path of discipleship for each of our faith communities in St. Louis and its surrounding areas. 

Explore this website to learn more about the Five Principles of Vibrancy that we have identified, along with a variety of resources we recommend to aid in your own discernment.

The experience is non-linear and consists of various levels of engagement.

If you desire to go deeper in your faith journey, explore this site to learn more about the five principles,
explore the recommended resources, and find or host a formation opportunity near you!